Best ways to make money online

Best ways to make money online

In this era there are many ways to make money online whether it is through freelancing on Fiverr or running your own company but could there be an easier way? A way to make money that means you don’t really need to get out of bed for your 9-5? Well, the short answer is yes but you won’t be quitting your job to do these things online. In this blog we are going to cover 3 lesser known yet trusted ways to make money online!




First up is SwagBucks, a popular online rewards platform that allows users to earn points by completing various tasks such as taking surveys, watching videos, shopping online, and searching the web. With SwagBucks, you can redeem your points for a variety of rewards, including gift cards, PayPal cash, and merchandise. The best part? SwagBucks is free to join and offers a variety of ways to earn points, making it a popular choice among people looking to earn extra money online. Whether you're a stay-at-home parent, a student, or someone looking to supplement your income, SwagBucks can be a fun and easy way to earn rewards.


To go to SwagBucks click here.





Next up is CashIQ, one of the UK's fastest-growing general knowledge quiz apps that offers players the exhilarating opportunity to win real money for free by answering 10 general knowledge questions. Our app allows players to participate in daily quizzes and compete for the cash prizes of the day, striving to complete the quiz in the quickest time with the highest number of correct answers. The best part about CashIQ is that all you have to do is download the app and play a quiz to win jackpots in excess of £10, and you don’t even have to spend money! It's a fun way to test your knowledge while earning some extra cash.


To go to CashIQ click here.


Affiliate Blogging


Affiliate Blogging

Last but not least is Affiliate Blogging. Blogging has been around for a while, but what most people don’t realise is that it can be an excellent way to earn money online. Google loves blogs, and most searches have blogs in 90% of the results, which means you'll never be in shortage of users or income from blogging. All you need to do is write a 500-word blog similar to the one you're reading right now and link a few companies using their affiliate programs. It’s that simple, and what's better is that whether you upload daily or yearly, your blog becomes one of your assets!


To Conclude

In conclusion, while these solutions may not be get-rich-quick schemes, they can certainly help you earn some extra cash. By using outlets like SwagBucks, CashIQ, and Affiliate Blogging, you could earn an extra £100 a week. These methods are a fun and easy way to supplement your income, and you never know – they could eventually turn into a full-time income stream. So why not give them a try?

And if you're still looking for more ways to earn money online, don't forget to check out other apps for free money, like InboxDollars, Survey Junkie, and Ibotta. With a little bit of effort, you could be earning extra cash in no time. Happy earning!

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